Dr. Young Ho Chun
Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology and Director Emeritus of Asian Studies
Email: Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. The Graduate School, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey (May 1981)
M.Th. Colgate Rochester Divinity School, Rochester, New York (May, 1971)
B.D. Colgate Rochester Divinity School, Rochester, New York (May, 1970)
B.A. (Th) Methodist Theological College, Seoul, Korea (March, 1965) (with honor)
Recent Publications
A Review article on Tomoaki Fukai, ed., Paul Tillich---Journey to Japan in 1960. Tillich Research series Vol. 4 eds. by Christian Danz, Marc Dumas, Werner Schuessler, Mary Ann Stenger and Erdmann Sturm (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2013) in: Christian Danz, et al. Hg. Love, Power and Justice (=Internationales Jahrbuch fur die Tillich-Forschung, Vol. 9) (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2014): 290-210
Gunter Wenz, Introduction to Pannenberg's Systematic Theology (Gottingen: Vandenhoecht & Ruprecht, 2012): under a contract with The Korean Methodist Publishing House, Seoul, Korea
"The Doctrine of the Trinity in the Reformation Tradition." --A chapter contribution to the Cambridge Companion to the Trinity, (Cambridge University Press, 2012) edited by Peter Phan, pp
"Interreligious Dialogue: Its Present Theological Location?", in Internationales Jahrbuch fuer die Tillich-Forschung. Band 5/2009 on the Theme of Religionstheologie und interreligioeser Dialog. Eds. by Christian Danz, Werner Schuessler and Erdmann Sturm (Wien und Berlin: Lit-Verlag, 2010), pp. 9-20
A Review article on The Cambridge Companion to Paul Tillich, ed. by Russell Re Manning (Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, 2009) in Internationales Jahrbuch fuer die Tillich-Forschung. Band 5/2009 (Wien und Berlin: Lit-Verlag, 2010), pp. 219-224
"Love: Power in Hearing the other into Being," the chapter 3 in: Loving God, Loving Neighbor: Ministry with Searching Youth. A Lilly Project on YouTheology Program. Edited by Sondra Higgins Matthaei. (Xlibris, 2008), pp. 44-59
"A Theology of Culture: Tillich's Early Conception and Its Significance Today," in: Religion-Kultur-Gesellschaft: Der fruehe Tillich im Spiegel Neuer Texte (1919-1920) eds. Christian Danz and Werner Schuessler (Berlin and Wien: Lit Verlag, 2008), pp. 155-170
"The Doctrine of Incarnation according to Tillich and Its Significance Today," in Christus Jesus -Mitte der Geschichte? eds. by Gert Hummel, Peter Haigis and Doris Lax: Beitraege des X. Internationalen Paul-Tillich-Symposions Frankfurt/Main 2004. Tillich-Studien, Band 13 (Muenster: Lit Verlag, 2007), pp. 69-79
"Love as Redemptive and Creative Energy: A Christian Perspective," in Asian Christian Review, vol.1, no.1 (spring, 2007): 103-116
"The Trinity in Tillich and Its Implication for Inter-religious Dialogue," in Trinitaet und/oder Quaternitaet -Tillichs Neuerschliessung der trinitarischen Problematik / Trinity and/or Quaternity-Tillich's Reopening of the Trinitarian Problem. Eds. By Gert Hummel and Doris Lax. Beitraege des IX Internationalen Paul-Tillich-Symposiums Frankfurt/Main 2002. (Muenster: Lit Verlag, 2004), pp. 47-56
"Prayer in Korea from a Tillichian Perspektive," in Das Gebet als Grundakt des Glaubens. Tillich-Studien--Beihefte. Band 2. eds. Von Werner Schuessler and A. James Reimer. (Muenster: Lit Verlag, 2004), pp. 137-151
"What I learned from Haiti," in Connection, Kansas East United Methodist Conference (March, 2004); and also in Step Forward .A Newsletter of the Korean EM (English Ministry) (spring, 2004)
"Shared Facilities: Biblical and Theological Perspectives and their Implications for the Sound Intra-Ecclesial relationship," United Methodists in Service (Korean Language), United Methodist Communications Office, (Nashville, April, 2003)