Dr. Kristen E. Kvam
Professor of Theology
Phone: 913-253-5020
Curriculum Vitae
Disciplinary Interests
• If you had to write a thesis next semester based on your current theological, historical or biblical interests, what would the topic/title be?
• If a student contacted you to be their advisor on a research project, what area/s would excite/interest you enough to say yes?
PhD, Emory University
STM, MDiv, Yale University
BA, St. Olaf College
"Preparing students for the work of doctrinal development undergirds my teaching at Saint Paul School of Theology. I want students to see the development of doctrine as an ongoing task through which the church assesses and articulates its
teachings on belief and practice."
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Discipline or Specialty
Representative Courses Taught
Theology of Elizabeth Johnson
Topics in Women, Society, and Church Studies
Recent Publications
“For Such a Time: A Declaration of Inter-Religious Commitment: A policy statement of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, proposed.” Dialog: A Journal of Theology, Volume 58, Issue 3 (September 2019): 171-172.
“Kris Kvam on the Psalms and Feminism.” Interview by Susan Sink. February 1, 2019. Bear!ngs Online.
Guest editor with Kirsi Stjerna. Dialog: A Journal of Theology. Theme: Body, Gender, and Justice. Volume 57, Issue 3. (September 2018). Coordinated “Responses to the ELCA “Draft Social Statement on Women and Justice,” with authors Marcia Blasi, Jessica Crist, Rhiannon Graybill, Mary Streufert, and Man Hei Yip.
“Preface to the Psalter.” Introduction, Translation, Notes, and Annotations to this 1528/1545 text written by Martin Luther for The Annotated Luther: Volume 6: The Interpretation of Scripture. Volume Editor, Euan
Cameron; General Editors: Hans Hillerbrand, Kirsi Stjerna, and Timothy Wengert. Minneapolis: Augsburg
Fortress Press, 2017. Pages 202-12.
“Reformation Calling: Our Present,” an essay on repentance and the reform of Christian practice and teaching, which concludes with three areas for discussion. Written for a flash drive produced for Central States Synod’s Commemoration of the Reformation.
“Katharina von Bora Luther and the Reformation: Resources for Telling Her Story.” After an introduction, the text offers a design for study and discussion that uses a video about Katie Luther available on YouTube.
“Women and the Reformation: Resources for Telling Stories in 2017 and Beyond.” Following an introduction,
annotations of 28 resources. Designed and written for a flash drive produced for Central States Synod of
the ELCA.
"God's Heart Revealed in Eden: Luther on the Character of God and the Vocation of Humanity," in Transformative Lutheran Theologies: Feminist, Womanist, and Mujerista Perspectives, Mary J. Streufert, ed. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2010).
"Relationship Between Episkope and Apostolic Succession: Continuity In, Through, and Across Time," Call To Unity, Issue 7 (December 2006), 40-44.
"Comfort: Resources from Martin Luther for Addressing Reproductive Loss," in Hope Deferred: Theological Reflections on Reproductive Loss (Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2005).
"A Critique of Adamic Language" and "Confession of Sin," interrogative dialogues for "Sin and Evil," in Constructive Theology: A Contemporary Approach to Classical Themes, a Project of the Workgroup on Constructive Theology, Serene Jones and Paul Lakeland, eds. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2005).
"The Significance of Luther's Ideas for the Churches of the 21st Century: a Feminist Perspective," in LutherJahrbuch: Organ der internationalen Lutherforschung 71 (2004), 65-71.
"Equality in Eden? Gender Dynamics and Luther's Lectures on the Creation of Adam and Eve," Seminary Ridge Review (Spring 2004).
Eight Life-Enriching Practices of United Methodists (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2001).